General policy for the protection of Personal Data

Adopted by Azienda Agricola La Colmata di Mercurio Antonietta.


The Policy for the Protection of Personal Data adopted by Azienda Agricola La Colmata di Mercurio Antonietta, in line with the mission and corporate values ​​and for all members of the organization who can intervene on any information present within it, makes its own in its activity some principles to refer to for strategies, objectives and management of the entity:

  • Commitment to protect the personal data of each individual (Confidentiality);
  • Guarantee of the privacy of the personal sphere and private life of everyone (Confidentiality);
  • Respect for identity and personality, for the dignity of every human being (Individuality and Dignity);
  • Respect for constitutionally guaranteed fundamental freedoms (Protection).


These principles are translated in accordance with current legislation as follows:

  • Personal data are processed according to the principles of lawfulness, fairness and transparency;
  • personal data are collected and processed only for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes (Purpose limitation);
  • the use of personal data is always reduced to the minimum necessary essential to achieve the declared purposes (Necessity, Non-excess and Essentiality);
  • personal data are processed in an adequate, relevant and limited manner (Data Minimization);
  • personal data are collected and processed only if functional to achieving the stated purposes (Relevance);
  • personal data are processed with methods and tools proportional to the purposes to be achieved (Proportionality);
  • the personal data collected and processed are always promptly verified so that their correctness and reliability (Accuracy and Completeness) is guaranteed;
  • the personal data collected and processed are always updated periodically (Update);
  • the personal data collected are always kept for a limited period of time and strictly necessary to achieve the stated purposes (Limitation of conservation);
  • personal data cannot be processed for purposes other than those declared during the collection phase, in violation of the regulations on the protection of personal data or without the appropriate authorization (Prohibition of Illicit and unauthorized processing) and if ensures adequate security against loss, destruction or accidental damage (Integrity and confidentiality).


Personal data are always collected and processed after the adoption of suitable security measures (Security) determining the following security principles, ensuring:

  • the continuing confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of its systems and services that process personal data;
  • availability and access to processed data through timely recovery in the event of a physical or technical accident;
  • the use of appropriate procedures to test, verify and evaluate the effectiveness of technical and organizational measures;
  • maintaining the appropriate level of security by evaluating the risks presented by data processing deriving in particular from accidental or illegal destruction, loss, modification and unauthorized disclosure.

The data controller is competent to comply with the principles set out above and able to prove it (Responsibility: Accountability).

Goals pursued


Continuous improvement of the protection of personal data through:

  • the adoption of an adequate document system “Management System for the Protection of Personal Data” (procedures, operating instructions, standard document templates);
  • the identification of figures with adequate requirements and powers to ensure the proper functioning of the Management System for the Protection of Personal Data;
  • the definition of an organizational model suitable for overseeing the processing of personal data inherent in every process of the organization;
  • the adoption of regulatory compliance opinions in the definition, integration, modification and / or review of business processes that involve the processing of personal data;
  • the adoption of adequate technical and organizational security measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk;
  • the adoption of the best available and economically sustainable techniques to limit damage in the event of accidents or adverse events in the processing of personal data (Data Breach);
  • the adoption of appropriate criteria and methods for restoring data in the event of damage and accidental loss.


Involvement of stakeholders and protection of personal data with actions aimed at:

  • raise the awareness of employees, suppliers, customers, shareholders and citizens on the objectives and commitments undertaken regarding the protection of personal data;
  • motivate and involve employees in order to achieve the set objectives and develop, at all levels, a sense of responsibility towards the protection of personal data and information security;
  • to inform to a lawful and correct processing of personal data and information security;
  • promote dialogue and discussion with all stakeholders (PA, Authorities, Citizens, Associations, customers, workers, etc.), taking into account their requests regarding the processing of personal data, in accordance with the participation and communication tools adopted by Azienda Agricola La Colmata di Mercurio Antonietta.


The principles set out above are reflected in a Management System for the Protection of Personal Data in line with the guidelines of Azienda Agricola La Colmata di Mercurio Antonietta.

Information for Customers and Suppliers on the Processing of Personal Data

Pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679

This information concerns the personal data that will be processed in compliance with the current legislation on the protection of Personal Data and, in any case, the principles of confidentiality which inspire the activity of Azienda Agricola La Colmata by Mercurio Antonietta farm and intends to describe the its management methods, in the context of the processing of personal data of customers and suppliers.
This information is provided pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016. For clarity, we report below the definitions of Personal Data and Processing

Personal data : any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”); the natural person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, with particular reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or one or more characteristic elements of his physical identity, is considered identifiable, physiological, genetic, psychic, economic, cultural or social;

For Processing of Personal Data we mean any operation or set of operations, carried out with or without the aid of automated processes and applied to personal data or sets of personal data, such as the collection, registration, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication by transmission, dissemination or any other form of making available, the comparison or interconnection, limitation, deletion or destruction.


Categories of Personal Data processed

Azienda Agricola La Colmata di Mercurio Antonietta will process the following Personal Data provided by the Customer:

    1. Personal and Identification Data (including name, surname, date of birth, sex), tax code
    2. Contact details (including telephone, email, address)
    3. Personal Banking Data


Purpose of the processing

The Personal Data you have made available to Azienda Agricola La Colmata di Mercurio Antonietta will be processed to meet the specific purposes, strictly connected and instrumental, administrative and organizational purposes, connected to the obligations established by state, regional and community laws and regulations; therefore, they can be used for the following purposes:

  1. Fulfillment of legal and contractual obligations related to the contract;
  2. Administrative and accounting management;
  3. Possible management of the dispute;
  4. Further cases provided for by current legislation.

We remind you that, with reference to the purposes highlighted in the points listed above

Providing your personal data is mandatory. Your refusal and / or the provision of incorrect and / or incomplete information would prevent the execution of the contract and the failure to continue the relationship.


Processing methods

The processing of your Personal Data will be carried out using suitable paper, electronic and / or telematic tools, with logic strictly related to the aforementioned purposes and, in any case, in such a way as to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the Data.

The collected material will be used exclusively for the purposes listed above (par. 2).


Recipients or Categories of recipients of Personal Data (External Data Processors)

Personal Data Processors appointed by the Order in the exercise of their functions will become aware of your Personal Data.

Your Personal Data may be disclosed to any persons who provide Azienda Agricola La Colmata di Mercurio Antonietta with performance or services instrumental to the purposes indicated in the previous par. 2. Your Personal Data may also be disclosed to suppliers, banking and / or insurance institutions or other subjects and / or entities that provide (on behalf of Azienda Agricola La Colmata di Mercurio Antonietta) the following aspects:

  • Institutional activities
  • External Collaboration
  • Maintenance and development of the network and IT infrastructure
  • Consulting
  • Processing and fulfilments: administrative, accounting and tax
  • Legal

Should the need arise to communicate the data to other subjects or for a use other than those mentioned above, an explicit and specific authorization will be requested.

The complete list of External Managers for the Processing of Personal Data of the Order are available upon request (see contact details, par. 7).

In any case, your Personal Data will not be disclosed.


Duration of processing and criteria used for the storage of Personal Data

  • Duration: the purposes referred to in paragraph 2 “Purpose of Processing” of this information, your Personal Data will be processed for the time necessary to perform the obligations set out in the contract.
  • Storage: the data processed for the fulfillment of legal obligations will be stored for 10 years and in any case within the limits established by law.


Rights of the interested party

Pursuant to art. 15-22 and 77 of EU Regulation 2016/679, the interested party has the right to:

  • Obtain access to all personal data held by Azienda Agricola La Colmata di Mercurio Antonietta.
  • Obtain access to all the information contained in this document
  • Obtain the right to rectification, integration, cancellation of personal data (right to be forgotten) or limitation of the processing of personal data
  • Obtain the right to data portability
  • Right to object
  • Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority

To exercise these rights, described above, please contact the designated figures through the contacts listed in par. 7; suitable feedback will be provided to this request according to the timing provided for by the GDPR.



Data Controller, Managers and Personal Data Protection Officer

  • The Data Controller of your data is Azienda Agricola La Colmata di Mercurio Antonietta
  • Any request relating to personal data processed by Azienda Agricola La Colmata by Mercurio Antonietta can be sent to the headquarters in Loc. Case Nuove n. 27, 52048 Montagnano, Toscana, Italy or by writing to the e-mail address:

This information will be subject to updates. 



Cookie Policy

Adopted by Azienda Agricola La Colmata di Mercurio Antonietta.


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Where we are

Loc. Case Nuove n. 27
52048 Montagnano, Toscana, Italy

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ph: +39 0575 848892

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